Few times in your lifetime do you meet someone that changes things forever. It happens the day you find your soul mate, the first time you look into the eyes of your newborn child and, for us, the day we met Nicole.

She began as our babysitter, but before long, she and her sisters were there all day: staying for supper, spending the evenings watching tv, and falling asleep on the couch. Bedtime rolled around and we'd load them up in the car and drive them home. They became a permanent fixture at our house, but we loved it.

We quickly developed a relationship with each one of the girls -- but there was a special connection with Nicole. We were so drawn in by her positive, bubbly attitude and amazing sense of humor. She kept us laughing and was a joy to have around! And Nicole loved us back and seemed to crave the family dynamic that we had. She enjoyed being part of a family that went on walks, played together, and had family dinners. I remember one instance when we were all walking to the neighborhood park, Nicole was bouncing along beside us and exclaimed, "Isn't this fun? It's like we're a family!"

That was 11 years ago. She's now 28 years old, a college graduate, working full-time and living on her own. We're proud of the successful, independent woman she has become and so happy she joined our family. We love you, Nicole!
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