Whoever said, "they've gone to the dogs" like it's a BAD thing, has clearly never lived as a dog in our house! Our dogs are definitely well-loved -- some would say spoiled. Here's the question: If someone or something is not spoiled rotten, but just spoiled and still sweet, is that necessarily a bad thing?
A typical day in the life of our dogs, Ziggy and Hopper:
6:30 a.m. --- Wake up Mom to take us outside.
Of course, after a long night, we need to give them time to do their business and explore a little. However, our yard is not fenced, so I have to go outside with them. I don't have to go to work until 2:00 p.m., mind you. I should have plenty of time to sleep in a bit. But, no. You can find me outside every morning between 6 and 6:30 - rain or shine - following the dogs around the backyard in my pajamas and Crocs.
6:45 a.m. --- After her coaxing, scolding and bribing with treats, follow Mom into the house.
We have four acres - one mowed and three more wooded. When I take the dogs out, they smell here, mark their territory there and spend a few minutes exploring. However, sometimes they catch a scent of something they want to find! Before I know it, I'm chasing them through the woods, or trying to corral them home from terrorizing the neighbor's chickens. I'd like to say I can call them and they drop everything and run right back to me. Unfortunately, they can be a bit obsessive and single-minded - especially Hopper. When he's on the hunt, I'm not sure he can even hear me! Then, when I finally do get them inside, what do I do? I reward them with carrot coins (their favorite treat). What am I teaching them here?
7:45 a.m. --- Invade Mom's personal space while she tries to read in the recliner.
Every morning, I make a fruit smoothie for Todd and send him on his way to work by 7:45. Then, I settle into my recliner to read my Bible. This seems to be Ziggy and Hopper's cue to jump up and cuddle. Hopper backs his way into the space between me and the chair on my right side, Ziggy curls up on my lap, and they settle in. Makes it very difficult to read, they're right up there in the middle of everything. Such nuisances!
Hopper is ridiculously obsessed with chasing small animals. He believes it is his job to rid the world - or at least our backyard - of all crawling things. Though we've scolded and spanked, we still find him daily keeping watch ON the dining room table! But, on a positive note - our backyard is becoming more and more squirrel-free!
9:30 a.m --- Lie in the sun, sprawled out as ridiculously as possible!
10:30 a.m. --- Bug Mom enough that she takes us outside for awhile.
For some reason for which I'm very thankful, when I take the dogs out later in the morning, they don't seem to feel the need to explore quite so much. We walk around the yard, I'll throw the ball for them, or they just lie down under the tree and watch the birds fly around for awhile. Then we go back in where I give them a couple more carrot treats and continue with my day.
10:45 a.m. --- Toss the ball, wrestle each other, or chase each other around the house.
One thing is certain: our dogs can entertain themselves! Whether they're tossing and pouncing on their ball, wrestling together, or wildly playing "tag", it's hilarious to watch! Their energy level is phenomenal. I think if I tore around the house like they did, I'd probably end up on the living room floor sprawled in the sun, belly-up, too!

12:00 noon --- Start following Mom's every move, pouting and looking as pitiful as possible.
When I start getting ready for work, they seem to know it. They give me their best "Are-you-really-going-to-leave-me? Look-how-cute-I-am!" faces, and try their hardest to convince me not to go. I must admit, there have been times I've looked at those adorable dogs and wished I could just stay home with them all day. However, I'm not sure that's really the dogs, or just my desire not to have to go to work!
1:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. --- Assume afternoon positions and wait all day for family to come home.
Every day when I walk out the door for work, Hopper is curled up on the yellow chair, and Ziggy is curled up on the back of the chair. They seem to be sulking and saying, "Since you have the audacity to leave us, we'll be lying right here waiting for you to come home, not having any fun!" Of course, I have my suspicions that, as soon as my car is out of sight, they're wrestling around, tearing around the house, inviting their friends and throwing wild parties. There have been times I've come home to papers and toys all over the house, things knocked off the dining room table, and - if someone happened to forget to close the pantry door - the garbage can knocked over and rooted through. Someday I might invest in a doggy-cam to see what really goes on while I'm gone.
Is there a welcome better than the one you get from a dog? Who else jumps up and down and screams and goes crazy when you walk in a door? THAT's what makes all the other nonsense worthwhile! They love me. They really love me!!
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