Monday, February 7, 2011

Shame On Me!

I was reminded today that God still answers prayer --- even silly ones! 
And shame on me for being surprised!!

My house is a wreck.  As mentioned in my previous entry, I'm a procrastinator.  I have procrastinated my house right into chaos!  So, my goal today was to get a good start on cleaning.  One of my aggravations when cleaning is my sweet puppies.  They insist on attacking the vaccuum cleaner when I'm trying to use it.  I think they're trying to protect me from this big, bad creature that lives in the garage - but what they do is aggravate and frustrate me! 

So, this morning in my Bible reading and prayer, I prayed a simple, silly little prayer:

"Dear Lord, forgive me for my laziness.
 (my besetting sin, by the way) 
I need to get this house clean.
Would you keep the dogs out of my way, please?" 

I just threw that last part in there as a silly little request, not really expecting Him to do it. 
Shame on me! 
This is what my dogs were doing today while I vaccuumed:

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