And, as far as hubbies go, mine is what many would consider “high-maintenance”. (I mean that in the best possible way!) Don’t get me wrong: he is the most considerate, sweet guy. He

So, between my kids and my hubby, I have my hands full - like all moms. But, if I were to name what I considered my best traits, patience would be right up there at the top. That’s why it completely floored and disappointed me when Todd told me yesterday, “You are NOT a patient person!” I don’t know why he would say such a thing!!
-- Ok, maybe I do. --
It may have been the rolling of my eyes when he sat on the couch and asked me to help him take his shoes and socks off. Then, a few minutes later, when he was grumbling and searching the house for his flip-flops, I may have let out a huge sigh when I got up to find them for him. And then, my sarcastic remark, “Is there anything else I can do for you?!” might have made him think I was being impatient.
I claim to be patient. I do NOT claim to be quiet about it. Apparently, it’s something I need to work on.
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