I heard this week that, after 41 years on the air, ABC has canceled their soap opera, All My Children. I’ve never watched it, but I’m sure there are many women (and men?) that have invested time and energy into the characters and stories over the years and will be sorry to see it go. Not being a soap opera fan – the only thing that comes to mind when I hear “All My Children” is all MY children.
We’ve had a lot of kids come through our house in the last 20-some years. Some came in and out of our lives in a flash, then were easily forgotten. Others wormed their way into our hearts and home and became a part of our lives forever. Some call us Mr. and Mrs. Granger, some call us Todd and Mary, and those special few call us Mom and Dad – or some variation of those terms, like Pop, Ma, or my newest and favorite nickname, Momma G.
Of course, the most famous of our “adopted” kids is Nicole – she is now considered one of our own; but there have also been several others at different times over the years. First were Jacquelyn and Spencer – we met their folks in pregnancy class and had our first babies together, then a couple years later, we were both pregnant again. We spent lots of time together those first five years before moving to Florida and drifting apart. Then, of course, there were the school friends that came over to play Barbies or Nintendo, swim in the pool, or spend the night on the weekends. Some of these kids remain friends today: Hollie, Cari, Justin, Kristen, Lindsey . . . and some we haven’t seen in years. Now that our kids are technically adults, we don’t acquire many “adoptees” anymore. But, occasionally one comes along – like my son’s roommate, Austin. He even bought me a Mother’s Day gift this year and is responsible for my new moniker, “Momma G”. Of course, the fact that we usually provide him a home-cooked meal when he comes over might contribute to his affection for us! ;)

Next, come those that will legally join our family. So far, that’s just Kristi – our future daughter-in-law, but there will be sons-in-law coming eventually. We adore Kristi. She’s a great addition to the family . . . and will be a terrific mommy to our grandkids some day! Of course, along with grandkids come their life-long friends who will become our “adopted” grandkids! It’s an evolving family – and we welcome them all!
My motto when it comes to family? -- The bigger, the better!
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