Sunday, August 21, 2011

Love is Not for Sissies

I think I’ve mentioned (a time or two) that mom-hood is awesome.  It’s full of baby giggles, skipping, story time, hugs, kisses, surprises, laughter, fun and love.  Becoming a mother is the most fulfilling, wonderful thing I’ve ever done.

However, there is a darker side to parenting that I rarely mention . . . colic, teething, skinned knees, homework, hurt feelings, tummy aches, rebellion, and heartache.  Heartache --- it’s the worst!  As moms and dads, we take great pains to ensure our kids are happy and healthy, safe and secure.  We strap them into car seats, pump them with vitamins, cook healthy meals, counsel them, tutor them, and patch their boo-boos.  But, when it comes to heartache, we’re pretty-much useless.  There’s no way to protect against it.  In fact, not only do we not protect them from it, but we actually potentially push them toward it!  We encourage them to develop relationships, pushing them to surrender to love, marriage, and a family of their own.  We tell them how wonderful it is to be in love, and tell them to put their trust in another.

Then, what if things go awry?  What can we say to ease their pain?  -- Absolutely nothing.  It's the most helpless feeling.

Truth is, nothing will ease the pain, but time.  So, we listen, we hug, we tell them we love them.  And we remind them that, no matter how much it hurts at the moment, true love is worth finding and always worth the risk!

. . . and someday they’ll believe us.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Come 'n get it!!"

Celery +

onion + carrot +

garlic  +

secret ingredients
my "secret" ingredients +
split peas and lentils
split peas and lentils +
water and broth
water =

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pretty Stinkin’ Cool

This past weekend, my friend Jomarra and I traveled to Tennessee to attend my baby bro’s 40th birthday party.  It was such a nice weekend, filled with lots of laughter and fun. 

It’s hard to believe that my little brother is 40!  I remember vividly the day he was born – a boy born into a family of six girls was a big deal!  Of course, that was long before there was any way to determine the sex of a baby.  So we all wished and planned and hoped for a boy, but had to wait nine long months to find out if our wish came true.  (Actually, I was only six when he was born, so I don’t really think I had a preference, but all I heard was how much everyone wanted a boy.)

70s A
Markie and his big sisters (plus 2 bros-in-law)
circa 1973

When people hear that he is the only boy, born into a family of six girls, they usually feel sorry for him.  They assume it was rough living with all those moody, emotional females.  To which we usually respond, “Are you kidding?!  He was spoiled rotten!”  He was carried around by adoring sisters, every little thing he did was considered “cute” or “funny”, and he was my folks’ long-awaited son.  We jokingly complain about how spoiled he was and tease him about being a “brat”.

However, I can’t express enough how proud I am of the man he’s become!  He is so good and sweet.  (Much like his daddy!)  He is a loyal husband and loving father, raising kids to be honest and respectful.  He’s active in his church and hardworking in his job.  I watched him this weekend wrestle and tease his boys, and beam with pride over his sweet daughter.  It’s obvious he loves his family and they adore him too. 

Mark with his sweet family

I talk a lot about how much I love having sisters . . .  Truth is, my brother’s pretty stinkin’ cool too!