Sunday, July 24, 2011

Games on the GO!!

I got a new DROID X2 last weekend.
(For those of you who don’t know, it’s a cool, smart phone.)

Red heart  it! 

Of course, knowing my affinity for playing games,
can you guess one of my favorite things about this phone?



Now I can play Scrabble (technically, “Words with Friends”) all day long! 
I think, at this particular moment, I have games going with 5 different people so far . . . .

anyone else want to play?

I’m Baaaa-aaack!

I’ve been a busy, busy girl this month – as evidenced by the lack of entries in July.  I’ve been working a lot of extra hours, covering for some vacationing co-workers.  You know I’m not a big fan of working full-time – but, I’ve been trying hard to keep my mouth shut about it and just “suck it up”!

I’ve made it through – back to my part-time hours this week!  Woo hoo!  Now I’ll have more time to ramble on here.  Yay – I’ve missed it!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fabulous 4th

This past weekend was 4th of July.  Unfortunately, I missed out on a family reunion in Michigan with my mom’s side of the family – it’s been years since we’d all been together.  I was really disappointed that I missed it.  But, we had a great family time at the boat with the kids, Todd’s two brothers, and their families.
I love the 4th.  Family, food, and fun in the sun – the best kind of holiday! 

Cassie & Kristi kayaked -- and, yes, that is a dolphin they're heading toward.  They were everywhere!

Todd with the sun-kissed girls.

He knows how to relax!

Enjoyed spending time with Todd's bro and family -- gotta love the enthusiasm of a 1-year-old!

This is the life!

Perfect ending of a perfect day!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

I’ve always considered myself a patient person.  In fact, it’s something I take pride in.  When our kids were young, I did my best to maintain a calm, patient attitude in the midst of kids running in and out of the house, phones ringing, hubby wanting my attention, and all the other events of our crazy home.  When milk was spilt, kids were fighting, or a lamp was broken, I didn’t flip out and start yelling, embarrassing the kids in front of their friends.  I tried to be the nice, patient mom.

And, as far as hubbies go, mine is what many would consider “high-maintenance”.  (I mean that in the best possible way!)  Don’t get me wrong:  he is the most considerate, sweet guy.  Hetodd's cute treats me like a queen and is helpful around the house.  In fact, he does laundry, cleans the house, and even cooks now and then.  However, he’s one of those guys that needs a fan to fall asleep, uses 4 pillows, has to have a particular kind of undershirt, etc.  Not fussy and primpy, just particular about certain things.  Luckily, he has me!  :)  I do my best to keep the home calm and approach his particular desires with a cool, patient attitude. 

So, between my kids and my hubby, I have my hands full - like all moms.  But, if I were to name what I considered my best traits, patience would be right up there at the top.  That’s why it completely floored and disappointed me when Todd told me yesterday, “You are NOT a patient person!”  I don’t know why he would say such a thing!! 

-- Ok, maybe I do.  --

It may have been the rolling of my eyes when he sat on the couch and asked me to help him take his shoes and socks off.  Then, a few minutes later, when he was grumbling and searching the house for his flip-flops, I may have let out a huge sigh when I got up to find them for him.  And then, my sarcastic remark, “Is there anything else I can do for you?!” might have made him think I was being impatient. 

I claim to be patient.  I do NOT claim to be quiet about it.  Apparently, it’s something I need to work on.